Specialists in Hillside Mowing
Hill Mowing for Fire Reduction
Hill Mowing Rated Equipment
Paddock Topping
Slope Rated Equipment

30° provides the safety and stability not found on standard ride-on mowers which are only rated to 15°
How Steep is 30 Degrees?
Ventrac 4500p machine with dual wheels fitting and three attachments
A tough cut deck for tall grass, blackberry etc
A fine cut deck for groomed slopes.
An edger and blower for chemical free footpath and roadside edging.

LMS uses the only commercial mowing tractor in HB which has a manufacturer’s slope rating of 30 degrees. Most, if not all other mowers are manufacturer rated to only 15 degrees of slope angle.

REMOTE CONTROLLED HILLSIDE MOWING – LMS now have the ability to safely mow slopes up to 50° . Our state-of-the-art Agria 9600 remote controlled mower can easily handle steep banks with long grass.